Three RISEUP awardees at the BioEM2023 Conference
Great success for the RISEUP consortium at the 2nd Annual BioEM2023 meeting held in Oxford. All the RISEUP PhDs students that participated to the conference won the award as best oral and poster presentations of their work carried out in the frame of RISEUP.
Sara Fontana from the BioEMLab, DIET Department, Sapienza University of Rome was the third winner of the poster award with her work “A comprehensive numerical study on the electric field bridging-effect in microfibrils scaffolds for RISEUP Project”
Giorgia Innamorati, Torvergata University of Rome and Division of Health Protection Technologies, ENEA, Rome, Italy was awarded second winner of the student platform award with her work entitled “Microsecond electric pulses effects on mesenchymal and induced neuronal stem cells for spinal cord injuries”
Leslie Vallet from the Institut Gustave Roussy, CNRS, Villejuif, France was awarded third winner of the student platform award with her work entitled “Cells Electropermeabilization With Sub-nanosecond Pulsed Electric Fields”
Congratulations to Sara, Giorgia and Leslie for their outstanding work and their excellent presentations!